Karen McLellan Acupuncture
Karen McLellan Acupuncture
Karen McLellan, Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac.) DTCM
Clinic hours:
Clinic hours:
Mondays: 11am - 7:00pm
Tuesdays: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesdays: 11am - 7:00pm
Thursdays: 11am - 7:00pm
Fridays: 9:30 - 3:00pm
Some same day appointments available
Some flexibility of the hours above
Acupuncture Rates
Acupuncture Rates
Initial 90min consult including acupuncture: $125.00
Follow up 60-70min treatment - acupuncture only: $110.00
Follow up 60-70min acupuncture treatment plus 10min of cupping $120.00
30min cupping session (no needling): $65.00
Facial Rejuvenation Initial consult & treatment (90-105min): $180.00
Facial Rejuvenation follow up treatment (75-90 min): $150.00
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation Policy:
Thank you for choosing Karen McLellan Acupuncture. This date and time has been set aside especially for you. If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please contact Karen at 250-858-4325 with 1 or more full business days (24hr min) notice to avoid being charged the full appointment fee and so Karen has the opportunity to fill your time with someone else in need. If you are cancelling due to COVID-19 concerns or any form of illness, please let Karen know so she can treat your specific situation with special consideration. If you have given late notice due to non-emergency circumstances and Karen is able to fill your appointment time with someone else, you will not be charged. Please note, missing your appointment due to work conflicts is not considered an emergency and the full treatment fee will be collected before being able to reschedule your next appointment.
Please note, although I mention the time frames for treatments above, please try to remain flexible as I do not practice acupuncture on a time limited basis only, but on an individual's needs instead. Please prepare yourself to be with me for the above approximated times, but be aware you may leave slightly earlier, or need to stay a little longer based on your body's needs during that particular visit. If you are time restricted and the treatment needs to be shortened, please let Karen know and she will do the best she can within the limited time frame offered.